I watch the Watchmen

This movie was good but strangely enough I did not 'get into it'. I recognized that it was a good movie. But I was never sucked into the movie. The whole time I found my self obviously aware that I was indeed watching a movie. Usually I get lost in a movie... become part of the movie and let it wash over me like flickering beauty. I love to get lost in movies. Maybe I was just in a mood. But, when yesterday I watched Leonard part 6 I doubt I was any different a mood and this is a movie where Bill Cosby stars as an international man of mystery. So, I'm going to go ahead and blame the movie for a lack of something.
Maybe it was because I'm familiar with the graphic novel and have read it multiple times. Every line that was a direct quote drug me out of the movie and every line that was wrong brought my attention back to the land of the real. To be honest the only thing that pulled at my feet like undercurrent were the way too brief scenes with Rorschach. Jackie Earle Haley did such an amazing job with the character it was scary. I just wish his scenes were a bit more extended.
Something interesting I noticed... the movie was violent even compared to the comic book but they removed cigarettes like they were the devil. Silk Spectre pressing the flame button makes no sense now. Why did she do it? Possibly retarded? In the comic she wanted to light her cigarette and was looking for the dash lighter. I know the movie was already a bit long but it was missing a good bit of the comic. And, I sure don't mean the pirate comic book montage. That was lame. I mean the tear jerking death of Hollis Mason the original Nite Owl. Rorschach hitting the streets to find out what's going on. And, the scene where Rorschach becomes Rorschach.... the flames... the horror... the poetry of the death of Walter Kovaks.
This should not take away from the true work of art this movie is. I need to see it again without trying to compare it to it's source literature.
Blood: The movie was a bit gore filled in places. They make it no mystery that it is a little girl's leg bone that the two german shepherds are fighting over. (for the less intelligent movie goers benefit). At one point a guy even gets his arms cut off which is totally different from the comic bot no less or more disturbing. This movie might not be for the weak of heart.
Babes: The movie has a few babes. Silk Spectre isn't the best looking dame to hit theaters but her sex scene was not an unpleasant experience. Someone told me that it focuse too much on nite owl's ass. I didn't notice nite owl in that scene... so yeah.
Baddies: Oh. Ozymandias makes an amazingly compelling villian. You can almost see that he is trying to do good. He tried to do it through heroism but when that failed he had to save the world by becoming the villian. He is powerful not just because of his strength and speed but also because of his intelligence.
Boom: The action sequences are delicious. And, stuff really goes up in smoke right there at the end. Boom! I can't say too much about the big boom lest I ruin the ending for those who haven't seen this movie. But, the boom boom is good stuff.
Bad Acting: The only acting individual that I could say was a bad actor is this moving is the original Silk Spectre. Lordy if she didn't have the look of "where's my paycheck" on her face. All of the other characters were believable. Some of the acting... like Owl and Rorshachs performances were insanely good.
Overall Rating: 5/10 This movie was so close to being freaking awesome.