I am Iron Man

I can not say this enough... Iron Man is worth dropping the cash for. As much as I've found the comic book Iron Man positively repulsive (pun intended), especially as of late, the movie version was everything I liked about Iron Man but better. Robert Downey Jr. was hilarious as Tony Stark and heroic as Iron Man. There wasn't one flaw that I could readily pick out in the movie. I'll be the first to admit that I am a critical bastard that has made many a young child cry with shouts of "That drawing looks nothing like a pony... it looks like a walrus with a horrible case of the hymroids!". Err... what? Robert Downey Jr. was born for the role of Tony Stark and not just because both of them are well known for self medication and substance abuse. He somehow is the most likable jerk you could possibly meet. Sure you want to throw him down a flight of razor sharp stairs but you can't help liking him.
The movie starts like every comic book movie starts, with an origins story. I like it when the movie tries it's best to stay true to the comic book no matter what. Nothing grates on my nerves more than when they change something crucial and it snowballs out of control. Iron Man had everything down to the two pieces of shrapnel being held in place by an electromagnet to keep them from going into his heart. A lot of directors would say "That drawing doesn't look anything like a pony?". And crush my dreams of one day becoming an artist. What?... the important thing is to not question the source material out of hand.
The chemistry between all of the actors felt real. Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges) really did feel like a mentor and his interactions with Tony felt just as natural as when he was fighting him as Iron Monger. Jim Rhodes (Terrence Howard) seemed to be his friend just as much as he was a sidekick and on a sidekick side note I'm looking forward to seeing War Machine tear it up on the next Iron Man movie.
Before I go on to the 5 Bs I figure I owe an explanation for the rating of 11. It is on a 10 point scale... the problem is that I gave the movie a 9 out of 10 rating for near flawless cinema magic. Then Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury showed up on the big screen. And, Samuel L. Jackson bumps up any movie by 2 points. Which is why xXx: State of the Union got a 2 out of 10. Oh Ice Cube why do they keep putting you in movies?
Blood: There is a little bit of blood, nothing all that gory. Tony Stark gets hit, infamously, with one of his own weapons. Irony! The violence in the movie felt very real... except for the cheap laughs we got while Tony was designing the Mark II/Mark III. I would suggest seeing this movie just for the slapstick moments.
Boobs: Oh no nudity, but there was quite a lot of eye candy. Women seem to just throw themselves at Tony Stark. Even a life saving electromagnet the size of a christmas turkey sticking out of his chest didn't seem to keep the ladies at bay.
Baddie: Obadiah Stane was more menacing in Armani suit than he did in a suit of robotic armor. He made a good bad guy because he seemed to make since. He seemed like such a nice guy, even though the foreshadowing in the movie kept saying different (not to mention my previous knowledge of the character in the comic books). Not many people can pull off being more of a bad guy than a Islamic terrorist cell and a kindly uncle in the same scene. The little terrorist group is referred to as the Ten Rings which hopefully is a foreshadowing for The Mandarin... Iron Man's arch-nemesis lurking in the shadows of this movie.
Boom: The movie had boom by the gallons. Seeing the Mark III in action was almost a thing of beauty. It looked almost real as he blew up tanks, slammed terrorists into walls, and fought Iron Monger on a busy street. Things go boom.
Bad Acting: All the acting was amazing in this movie. There wasn't a moment when the suspension of disbelief was broken for me.
Overall Rating: 11
Labels: Iron Man, movie reviews
Seconded on the acting. The movie was pure genius, and the best part of it was, not only did it appeal to true Iron Man fans, but it also appealed to just the general movie goers. Now, my confession was I wanted to see it more for the Robert Downey Junior aspect, rather than the "Iron Man" aspect (I know, that's super hypocritical, but hey, Robert Downey Junior)And he did a SUPERB job. (I love that word... superb), but he really showed off his acting skills in this. He does the cocky playboy perfectly. (Almost TOO perfectly)
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