Little Zee: Journey To The Center Of The Earth IN 3-D!

This movie was awful. It literally made me sick. (Not because it was bad, but because the 3-D made me very, very ill) I don't reccomend seeing it if you're like me, meaning if you get motion sickness, or headaches very easily. I saw it last night, and my head still hurts.
Anyways, about the movie. IT WAS AWFUL! For one thing, it had no story plot. It barely had anything to do with the original novel, and I think if Jules Verne saw it today, he would be so disappointed. (I know I was.)
The movie begins with some random guy being chased by a T-Rex, and then falling in a giant pit of lava. We discover later that that was the main character's brother, and the supporting characters dad. It was super, and I do mean SUPER, cheesy. Awful. Just. Awful. (And I don't usually say that about movies. Usually, I'm nice about them, but this one. No. Just. No.) The only good character in the movie was the T-Rex. AND HE DIDN'T EVEN SHOW UP BUT FOR A FEW SECONDS! I MEAN, WHAT THE HELL?
At the end of the movie, since there were only about 10 people in the theater, I stood up and screamed at the screen, "THAT WAS BAD, AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD."
I'm still waiting for the screen's response.
I'm not even going to take the time to get a synopsis of the movie, because it was so bad.
Google it if you want it.
Labels: 3-D, bad, bad movies, don't see, fail, Journey To The Center Of The Earth in 3-D, movie reviews