Amazing Spider-Man (Brand New Day): Ok... their were a lot of releases of this comic this month because their really trying to push JQ's vision of Spider-Man. Which by the way is what most 5 years old think about when they think about Spider-Man. Now that you know who the target audience is... I would suggest missing this comic. It's poorly written now... and is introducing new heroes and villains like crazy. Like Screwball, Grey Goblin.... and *shudders* Jackpot. If you are considering picking this book up, don't. If you are already reading this book, you know what I'm talking about. Unless you are between the ages of 5-8... then you should freaking love this piece of crap.
Cable #2: Excellent art... beautiful in fact. And, the storyline is exciting... even though Bishop is turning into a real jackass. Ok... maybe this baby really is the mutant anti-Christ but that doesn't mean that you should lack the ability to rationalize. Why does Cable always make the right decisions and then the rest of the X-men are always saying... "Cable's rocking the boat again... we've got to knock him down a notch or two!"?
Kick Ass # 2: Ok, it has the Icon label... but I see this comic on the Marvel website... I'm not sure... I think Marvel must own Icon. This book goes beyond good. It's believable and clever. I liked that they spent some time with him recovering and how bad he got messed up. I want to cheer for the hero and at the same time tell him to take off that outfit and give up this nonsense. After issue 1 I'm going to be flinching scared that he is going to get brutalized once again.
Moon Knight #17: Moon Knight should be good... the first arc was amazing and I love blood and scary crazy vigilante action. Somehow Mike Benson and Charlie Huston have made this boring.
Punisher War Journal #18: I tried... I've been subscribed to PWJ since issue 1. Matt Fraction can weave a beautiful tale every now and then. Frank Castle's one liners are some of the best ever.... sometimes. There are 3-4 issues at a time that are boring as hell! And... I just can't take his inconsistent writing anymore. This was the third issue in a row that bored the hell out of me. And, I swore after the boring as hell Punisher is Cap' story line (except for the last issue in it) that if he went through another streak of crap... I'd drop the book. This might be worth picking up once in a while. But, I can't recommend it anymore.
Secret Invasion #1: Oh my goodness... this is an event book which means there are going to be tie-ins relatively soon. Marvel uses these story lines as a money making scheme. Here is a story... now you need to buy these books to really know what's going on. However, this is a really good story and has a really good opening book. A few major players are revealed to be skrulls. The skrulls hit hard and fast... and leave more mystery than what is revealed. I highly recommend picking up this book.
Nova # 12: Nova is back! For the last several issues he has become weaker and weaker as the transmode virus attacks his system. The worldmind has tried his best to keep him safe but it isn't enough. But, in this issue... power is restored... just in time for him to take the fight back to the Phalanx in Kree space.
Annihilation:Conquest #6: Everything comes together... well, sorta. I kind of wish this had been just a little bit longer. Ronan's little team had a desperate plan that led to... well a giant Ultron smashing across the Kree home world like a mechanized Godzilla. The ending was good but with all the build up.. I would have really liked one more issue to handle all the loose ends. I know it's an extra large issue, but it just didn't seem like enough to wrap up such an epically scaled cosmic opera.
Avengers The Initiative #11: KIA's last stand, taken down by a woman! I love Cloud 9 she doesn't want to be a super hero but there she is going toe to toe with the guy who took on the entire initiative and won. What I don't know is why they didn't just shoot this freak in the head. Sure War Machine tried... What's up with his face by the way? But, if you can slip a hat on this guy's head you would think you could slip a bullet in his brainpan.
Avengers The Initiative #12: A skrull reveal and this isn't even called a Secret Invasion tie-in. The new 3-D Man is a skrull *cough* cannon fodder. Why the hell is Cloud 9 dressed like that? I somehow thought her graduation superhero costume would be cool... it's not. It's kind of lame... but it's really scary what the initiative did to her in the end. Also... Terry you lucky dog.
Incredible Hercules # 116: This comic can't seem to lose. The art is consistant and the writing is fantastic. If you haven't picked this up... you should. Hercules fights an eternal in this one... and Athena meets with the gods of earth about the skrull invasion. You should go back to when Amedeus gets the Herc crew together back during World War Hulk and buy all the back issues for this buck. You won't regret it.
Wolverine Origins #24: Wolverine vs. Deadpool. Deadpool is getting his own comic soon and the writer will be Daniel Way. If you want to know how good a job he does with Deadpool... pick this book up. I liked it.
Hulk #3: This book is what is wrong with comic books. The writing is... HORRIBLE!!! The story is suspect, and it's sold out everytime. The art isn't bad... not great but not bad. Unless you like your intelligence being insulted... don't read this book. Betty Harpies with Adamantium Talons!!!! Kaw Kaw!!! Facepalm!
Hulk Vs. Hercules: Good book... sort of goes along with the Incredible Hercules series and introduces the God Eater to me. Some others might know who he is but as much as I like to think I know a lot about comics... he's a new face to me.
Might Avengers #12: Nick Fury is back... and black? Ok, Marvel if you aren't going to take this seriously then I don't know why I should have to either. Apparently JQ thought that Nick Fury's Samuel L Jackson's look alike in the Ultimate universe and now in the movies was better than main stream Nick Fury. Well, he's right of course... Samuel L Jackson is awesome! But, seriously what the hell are you doing?
Immortal Iron Fist #14: The good news is this is the last issue Matt Fraction will be writing. I mean I used to like the guy but then he decided to write boring crap. Who cares about the secret army. Why does Marvel insist on having secret shit. Like that makes it more exciting or something... I would have enjoyed myself if the book had done what it had said... badass martial arts tournament. The rebellion didn't need to be there. Danny could have taken on the hydra folks himself. And, Steel Serpent's redemption wasn't neccessary either.
New Avengers #40: Big skrull reveal (possibly... also could just be a red herring) If you are going to be following the Secret Invasion this is one you can not miss! It breaks away from the characters it normally follows and instead focuses on how the skrulls developed the technology and the means needed to infiltrate earth. And, some of the religious undertones to the invasion.